Tuesday, July 4, 2017



 You must take complete responsibility for your use of EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques). This video/blog is provided for educational purposes only and to help expand the use of EFT in the world. 

I combined EFT Tapping with Subliminal messages, so you can tap to this or just listen to it.

In tapping (EFT) is it really beneficial to state the negatives? Aren't we calling them back to our experience when we do?

Answer: In tapping, we are releasing blockages. So, all the negatives we say, we are tapping away.

Goddess Shalla (aka Shalla Art)


Play this over and over (just R click on the Play button and select "Loop")  This is Goddess Shalla (Shalla Art) lovingly creating healing subliminals. There are several tracks of layered voices, that way the positive messages can pass your conscious mind and reach your subconscious. I'm a Theta Healer, Psychic Reader Hypnotherapist www.goddessshalla.blogspot.com


Affirmations have a rapid and enormous impact on you.
Affirmations work instantly for you.
Why do affirmations have a rapid and enormous impact on you?
Why do affirmations work instantly for you?
Why do you look 15 years old?
You look like 15 years old.
Why do you look like 15 years old?
Why do you look so young?
Why do you look so youthful?
Why are you so young?
Why are you so youthful?
Why does everyone think that you are 15 years old?
Why do you think that your are 15 years old?
Why are you 15 years old?
Why are you so beautiful?

What are Subliminals?
Subliminals are beyond your conscious threshold of hearing
but your subconscious mind is capable of hearing it.

Are Headphones or earphones necessary?
Headphones are optional.

Can you listen while watching tv, reading, or even sleeping?

Can you listen with one ear only?
Yes because both ears receive the same messages.

How long does it take for results?
It can take weeks to months.

How long do I have to listen for results?
Listen until you achieve your desired results.

How often do you recommend to listen?
At least once a day. 
2-4 times would be an effective shedule
but if you listen even more often it will give you faster results.

Need i take a breaks between listening 2 different subliminals?
No need to take a break.

Thanks to my friend for your support.

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